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  • 手机如何看youtube






We're still raising money for your local charities and good causes in 2024.

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The Walk Day In Case of Emergency (ICE) phone number has changed. It is now 手机如何上外网. The new number will be printed on lanyards and route cards.



Dear walkers, coordinators, volunteers and supporters,

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Noting the monies raised by the event make a significant contribution to local charities, we have decided to take the walk back to it's roots by running a closed competition for the Resolution Cup between 2024's winning Barrow Shipyard team and a team from the Royal Navy on the 26th September.


In line with our terms and conditions, all registration fees and donations received to date are non-refundable and will be passed onto your charities and good causes as usual after the postponed walk.
Registration fees already paid will be carried over to the postponed walk. You will not have to re-register.
Please accept our apologies and if you have any concerns or queries, please contact us. Information will also be made available on our FAQs page.
The K2B Committee






All walkers commit to pay a £20 non-refundable and non-transferrable entry processing fee, and to raise target donations of £80 (£40 for Under 17) (excluding Gift Aid). Please see Walker Declarations below.

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